Your partner for testing, certification and monitoring

As an accredited and internationally recognised testing institute, we stand for manufacturer-independent and expert testing services in the field of locks and hardware as well as windows and doors – and have done so since 1978.

Our team is known for its outstanding professional competence, a high degree of motivation, commitment, responsibility and quality awareness.

Take advantage of our extensive knowledge and many years of experience as a service provider.

We ...

  • offer reliable quality in the fields of testing, monitoring and certification
  • ensure that you receive professional, expert and personal support
  • see ourselves as a skilled, independent and reliable partner
  • meet each other in a spirit of openness, trust and respect
  • always focus on the customer and act with an awareness of costs
  • constantly optimise our technical facilities and continually expand our range of services

We are PIV – The Testing Institute Locks and Hardware Velbert



Testing / Certifying

Test ranges

As an accredited testing laboratory, PIV stands for independent and expert testing services.


PIV CERT certification

With PIV CERT, PIV has a product certification body according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17065.


Certified products

PIV certifies products according to DIN standards, EN standards and RAL quality guidelines.

Our News

in our news section.

Here you can find the latest
news and press releases.

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endeDie Branchenvertretung der Schloss- und BeschlagindustrieSocial
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Press / News

RAL-GZ 607/9 for window handles and window handles with protective effect revised

Outdated standards and the publication of the new version DIN EN13126-3:2023-04 have made it necessary to revise RAL-GZ 607/9. The changes were made by the Quality Association for Locks and Fittings (Gütegemeinschaft Schlösser und Beschläge) together with the Quality Committee and the new version was approved by the General Assembly of the Quality Association.

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PIV welcomes new employees

The Prüfinstitut Schlösser und Beschläge Velbert (PIV) has now welcomed two new employees.

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25 years PIV: Sascha Holz honored

Sascha Holz (46) has been working for the Prüfinstitut Schlösser und Beschläge Velbert (PIV) for 25 years. He has now been honored for his conscientious performance and loyalty by the institute's director Andrea Horsthemke and the managing director of the Gütegemeinschaft Schlösser und Beschläge e.V., Stephan Schmidt.

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